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    Ventura, California
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    Everything - leatherwork, tooling, bags, belts, shoes, boots, purses, wallets, etc. Woodworking, Welding & Whatever else I still have to learn more about.

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  1. I'm not sure where you landed on this topic, but I purchased the same machine, or close (I have the 211U566), and I've been reading through the manual and it does have a pump - however, I believe it's just for the hook lubrication. Did you ever find the oil fill hole? I think it's the same hole that the oil gauge goes in. All the other oil holes lead to some kind of wick that lubricates a bearing or something like that. Have you ever looked into touchup paint or Decals for this machine? Yours looks like it's in great shape - whereas mine could use a little more work.
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