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Everything posted by Riccardo

  1. Hi Tugadude, for this work I followed your advice here You told me to use a needle to pierce the corner and it worked very well, I'm happy with it. You suggested angled stitch and I tried it as well. I prefer thinner thread too but the one I used here is produced near my home and the price is ridiculous, it was worth a try. https://laccioteca.it/categoria-prodotti/rocchetti-trecciati/tondi-cerati/cerati/ Yes, there is a ton of wax, I have no saddle soap but I'm a woodworker so I have plenty of beeswax ;-) . I will rub it. Thank you for your help, it is precious to me
  2. Hi. After my first works where I used a .53 mm Vinymo MBT thread I decided to try something different. I'm a newbie, try to follow your suggestions but sometime I like to make experiments and learn from my mistakes. I bought a .8 mm waxed cotton thread and I made my first wallet. I didn't use a groover so the stitches protrude out of the leather. Leaving aside the aesthetics my question is: is cotton thread too fragile? Should it be used only for fabric or it can replace linen thread if properly used? Thanks in advance. Riccardo.
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