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  • Gender
  • Location
    New Ulm, MN
  • Interests
    Old truck restoration, metal work, sewing

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Working my way up the ladder, planning on bags and wallets, maybe holsters later. Also adding leather details to canvas items.
  • Interested in learning about
    Sewing heavier material, sewing machine maintenance
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?

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  1. I was wondering if titanium coating was useful or just a marketing gimmick. I'll check out the advertisers and see who has what I'm looking for.
  2. Thanks for the info. This isn't a high-stress application so I was going to use 92 thread.
  3. I mostly sew heavy cloth and canvas items, and am a fan of the website. It's chock full of useful information, but I've search the archives and can't find info on my specific question. I have a Mitsubishi LU2-4710 and have a leather project which may require different needles. I need to sew a bridle leather strap which is about 3mm thick for a handbag. I use Groz-Beckert DPx17 135 needles (Part # 718822) , and have found needle recommendations for different fabrics and imitation leather, but nothing that states that a specific needle can be used for natural leather. Are imitation leather needles suitable for natural leather? Does anyone have a recommendation for a suitable needle if not? Thanks for all the useful information.
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