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About badgranola

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  1. I’ll have to look into that. I have a juki 8700 and the servo on that has a knob and works like a dream! That’s the motor that is on it. Sorry if the pic is awful!
  2. Hi all! I snagged a consew 206rb5 from marketplace and have been working with it for a bit. I replaced the foot pedal as the original was broken. My problem is it is SUPER sensitive. Like if I tap it, it takes off. It has a brushless servo motor installed, I believe, but honestly the speed control doesn’t seem to do much.
  3. Hello! I purchased a new to me consew 206rb5 and it was missing the oil reservoir window cover. I purchased the replacement part but it appears I may be missing another piece. Could someone send me a picture of what it’s supposed to look like?
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