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About Andydrew

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Sydney Australia
  1. Thanks very much for this, it's a great help. All the best, Andy
  2. Thanks very much for moving the post to the correct location. I have searched across the web and through posts on Leatherworker with no luck. I'd be very happy with a manual for any of the similar darning models 133k12 to 133k15, or 133k18. Anything information on setting the needle correctly would help too. Cheers Andy
  3. Hello all, Im currently cleaning up a Singer 133k13 darning machine and hoping someone can point me in the right direction for an instruction manual. I have the parts manual already. Best wishes and thanks, Andy
  4. I'm sorry, have the parts manual now, the link works now I have joined. thanks, Andrew
  5. Hi, I have the 111w117. Would anyone have the manual they could send me please? Cheers, Andrew
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