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  • Location
    Pacific Northwest
  • Interests
    I make custom knives so sheaths are a part of what I do. I love making gun leather specialize in western and 1911

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Holsters, knife sheaths
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    I was a long time member now cannot seem to get logged back in says I do Not exist

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  1. Looking for some suggestions for type of leather to wrap a sword or knife handle with. The actual handle will be wood but want to wrap it with leather. Any suggestions?
  2. Yes USA. Thank you
  3. 26 stamps including plastic stamp holder, two edgers #4 and #5, swivel knife, C.S.Osborne Round knife very good condition very sharp, I will throw in the sheath. $125.00 includes shipping. I take paypal
  4. Have you found someone to do the restoration yet? If not contact me I am intetested. I do all my stitching etc by hand.
  5. The Glock 19 is gone I have the 19/66 they are the same the 66 is stainless version. This is a replica it was used by hoyt holster renowned in making law enforcement holsters 50's to 80's. $33.00 includes shipping If interested if you do paypal my paypal is kreimans@aol.com
  6. I wi have to lay them out there are a bunch. Some are Rings some Blackhawk some duncans some denix the Pythons are replicas from back in the 60's that were used by Hoyt Holsters making Law enforcement holsters
  7. Pistol molds available Glock 17,19,43, 43 with ctc laser,42 .380, 21, 30 Beretta 92/96, Colt xsp .380 Cz 75 P07 Diamond back DB .380 DB 9mm HK USP .45 Kahr PM9 Keltec P3AT .380 Keltec PM 9 P64 9X18 RUGER P89, P95 dA, RA9, sr 9c, SR9, lcp.380 Sig SP 2022, p238 (.380), P229, P250, 226 Springfield XD.45, XD MOD2 .9/40 XD.40, XDS, 1911 OPERATOR .45, MICRO COMPACT .45 S&W M&P .40C, M&P 9MM, BODYGUARD W LASER .380, M&P .45 TARUS 24/7, TP380, PT145, PT132, WALTHER P5 I also found another wheel gun Ruger Vaquero 5.5" Quote
  8. Revolver molds available , the colt pythons and the Blackhawk may be spoken for. Colt Python, 21/2",4" and 8" 1851 Navy Bearcat .22 Ruger Black Hawk 8" S&W 19 -3 21/2" S&W Govenor 2 1/2" S&W Bodyguard revolver with laser S&W Combat Magnum model 66 Schofield 8" one is dinex nickle the other is bunkhouse tools Civil war Starr double action 44 (duncans) Tarus Judge.poly version 2" Quote
  9. $35.00 for GP100 blue gun priority shipping included
  10. Colt Python, 21/2",4" and 8" 1851 Navy Ruger GP100 4" Bearcat .22 Ruger Black Hawk 8" S&W 19 -3 21/2" S&W Govenor 2 1/2" S&W Bodyguard revolver with laser S&W Combat Magnum model 66 Schofield 8" one is dinex nickle the other is bunkhouse tools Civil war Starr double action 44 (duncans) Tarus Judge.poly version 2"
  11. I have several revolver mold when I get home in a couple of hours i will list them for you I know off hand I have Ruger LCR, S&W 686 have to check of it is the 8 or 8 3/8" it is full barrel lug, several other Smiths and a couple of colts and a few others. Is there a specific revolver you are looking for
  12. I have several holster molds, mainly Blue Guns and Duncans. Have some older and some hard to get. If you are looking for a particular mold or want a list let me know
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