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Everything posted by pgraca97

  1. I am a big fan of this spanish leather artist and recently i was going through some of his older workd and came across this: Any idea how did he do this kind of "imprint"/"impression" on the leather? thank you so much! Work is by José Luis Bazán
  2. Oh my god! I have been around this machine for days, i must admit that i am kind of a newbie in this world, but i really needed and industrial machina that could sew leather to finish some college projects. So i bought this PFAFF machine from this guy where i often buy my leathers from and it came with a roller foot already attached and now i would really like to change it to a normal standard walking foot. And let me tell you... i even starting to feel like a clown because i have no idead on how to change, because it has this "spring" (i don't know the right word in english, sorry) that doesn't let me remove the last part of the foot. Please help me See the video for further detail: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pjlj8 ... p=sharing I have already unscrewed all the screws that were to unscrew, pls help a guy out, kinda going into despair from my research i think i will have to change the whole presser foot bar and add one that can take standard foots no? anyone knows where i can buy presser foot bars online? i think what i have in my machine is something like this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1__V6lFDxrVQfmniOAsoQUeRbek7avBdi/view?usp=sharing
  3. Hello! So i am a fashion student from portugal and the leatherwork always amazed me, so i am using this new project at college to do some experiences with veg tanned leather. And, of course, as a newbie i have encounter some problems with the art... would really appreaciate if i could get some insigh, helps and tips from the pros! Help please? So on the 1st two pictures i wet molded veg tanned leather and then tried to dye it with the fiebing's pro dye (used the deglazer first), burnished the edges with tokonole and as i really want a really high gloss finish i tried to aply the fiebings Saddle-lac spray and as you can see it is really baaaaddd! all uneven, full of little spots of dirt, just bad. And on the last three pictures, i have cut some straps of veg tanned leather and again, deglazer, dyed with the black pro-dye, burnished edges and this tip i tried to apply the Eco-flo top finish gloss diluted on 50% of water, and again, all uneven, some parts glossy and other not, and as i want this strap to go over a D-ring, as i tried to bend it got those tiny ugly bumps/wrinkles. HELLLLLLLP????? For how long should i wait between applying each product? (i think i did it quite fast, tbh like in 10 minutes gaps) With what should i apply the different products? And i kind don't like using the tokonole to burnish the edges as i get on both sides of the leather these sticky imprints that you can notice in the end and it is really ugly. Is the leather i got just bad quality? Thanks! I would loooove to get some tips, help and insights from the pros!! Please, thank you and much love from portugal!!
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