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  1. Thank you Sir , for all your great info on thread and needle sizes. I do not know what the smallest size needle the Cub will take. They list a 160 with 138 top and 92 bottom. I would like to ask if it is necessary to use smaller thread on your bottom. I have run across different comments saying "yes you need to do that" and then others "no you can use the same size top and bottom. What is the reasoning for using different size top and bottom??? I have used regular sewing machines for years and never used different thread while sewing. You Sir are a SERIOUS person when it comes to machines. You have a few that I would love to get my mit'z on :O) I have in my stable the Cub, old Singer Model 15 and YES a Chinese shoe patcher that works and does a great job on lighter leather..
  2. I am into old time holsters both hip and shoulder also rifle scabbards. I finally purchased one of Weavers reconditioned Cub's at a very nice price. The Cowboy Company wouldn't give me the time of day and the Tippman is the same as the Outlaw and priced at $1500 to $1700. Consew also makes hand operated machines but they run around $1700-$2500 . I make the Old style Slim Jim with a different set up for carrying on belt or shoulder. I am experimenting with different needle sizes from 160, 180 and 200. I sew any where from 6 to 10 oz leather. Any suggestions are appreciated.
  3. Hello, I am new to leather sewing machines. I have hand sewn all my items and decided to purchase machine from Weaver. Any one have any pro's or con's on this unit?? Thank you from New Mexico the Land of Cactus, Stick and everything that sting's or bite'z!!
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