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  1. I can't edit my original post again. But this is a pic of the tool I need.
  2. I got a message telling me this needed moderator approval first. I selected the option to upload pics from my pic folder. I then selected two pics. On my end, I can see the two pics. Let me check on this and make the updates.
  3. Hello fellow leather workers. I’m looking for a specific stamp tool and I’m hoping one of you has one you wouldn’t mind parting with. It’s a vintage Cal-Carved #601 round background stamping tool. If any of you have one you wouldn’t mind parting with, please let me know what you would want. Cheers, Ken
  4. Greetings everyone. I could use your help trying to track down a Tippmann Embossing machine. If anyone has one they would be willing to part with, please contact me. thanks, Ken
  5. Do you still have this machine? Is everything there…. like the roller springs, cutting wheel, feed rollers, etc.
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