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Everything posted by Esson

  1. Esson

    Building bights

    I also am having the same problem? I have the problem of the strands when I'm done they aren't all together per say. I have to push it all together and then things are too loose? I have been trying the Cowboy Gaucho Knot on plates 165 and 165A in Grants Encyclopedia. Is these the same everyone else is talking about? Thanks! Esson
  2. Esson

    12 plait results

    Thank you for all this info. I think I understand most of it. Corey Esson
  3. I'd say they are both pretty damn nice! Thank you!
  4. Holy Cow this is nice!! So.....this is 4 plait without a core I'm assuming? The two long knots, pineapple again I'm assuming but how do you get the one particular knot to taper..which side of the string did you bevel in this particular case?
  5. PERFECT!! Yes we have an REI here in Bend. I plan on starting a first project with deer skin, it's very strong (stronger than the 1/8" suede I've been practicing with) but very limp. My mentor say's he doesn't recommend any soap on deer skin as it soft enough to work with? Any input here? Thanks!
  6. No I haven't even tried braiding one yet but soon so no, no soap involved. What would the saddle soap do for braiding a dog leash with deer skin thongs though? I see on the "turnback" now thanks! Esson
  7. Okay, more dumb questions..........."WASH IT?" "Next I do a turnback for the handle??" Okay, I'm assuming "turnback means back braid?? What about wash it? And why?? Thanks! Esson
  8. Thank you very much! I'll have to take a while to read it and soak it in now. Appreciate your all your inputs! Esson
  9. Okay so this is my second post and am learning. My question is: you END your dog leash with it attaching to the snap ring? I at first was under the impression you would start it with the snap ring? Thanks for any and all reply's Esson
  10. Hi, well this is my first post as a newbie but I have a similar question as above. I was just told that for example if your doing a 4 thong round braid, each thong is 1/8" wide, that equals 4/8th's or one half inch. So you don't want to go over a 1/2" circumference. To get your circumference (sorry for the math formula but it's easy) Pie=3.14 x the diameter of the core. So if your using a 3/16" piece of core, 3/16" in decimal is .1875 x 3.14 = .589. I was told I can round this down to .5 or half an inch. ANYONE PLEASE CORRECT ME IF THIS IS WRONG. I SHOULDN'T BE SPOUTING OFF MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW AS I AM A NEW BIE BUT THIS IS WHAT I WAS RECENTLY TOLD. IS THIS CORRECT? THANK YOU! Now my question: I'm finding out that if I go the right dia core it looks not so well on the back side of the braid? If I go 1/16" to an 1/8" smaller it actually turns out the pattern that should look the right way on the back? Thanks in advance for any and all advice. Esson
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