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Everything posted by Stricklanda92

  1. Thanks everyone for the responses, I appreciate all of the input. That being said I have decided against this machine. For all I'm really wanting one for I'm wondering if a treadle setup for my little "Chinese shoe patcher" would be more accommodating. In all honesty it sews fine for what I do, I'd just prefer both hands to be free during the sewing process. I've seen the servo motor conversions for these as well.
  2. Thanks everyone. Is $300 a decent price for the machine, table, and thread stand?
  3. Good suggestion, actually had thought of that too just not vary familiar with servo motors. My industral maintenance experience is 98% mechanical and 2% electronics. With a servo motor I understand I can slow the machine down almost to a crawl, but by doing so will I be sacrificing torque?
  4. New here , so thanks in advance! I've been hobby leatherworking for about a year now. When I say hobby I mean between working 62.5 hour weeks on night shift, a wife and 2 kids, and volunteering with 2 fire departments I really don't have much time, but I enjoy it and that's my down/quite time to go to the shed and have some time to unwind and have a good talk with the Lord. That being said hand stitching is taking too long, I have the "Chinese patcher" but I'm not a fan. So I've been searching for a machine to handle up to about 8oz single layer leather. I have found a 1970 Singer 281-141 with the table, thread stand etc for $300 locally. My research concludes it is a high speed machine. My question is if I gear (pulley) it down how durable is this machine and is the setup worth $300? I am an industrial maintenance mechanic (millwright/machinist) by trade and have the ability to fabricate some parts myself. Is this machine worth my time/money? Thanks Anthony
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