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    Mountain Home, ID
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  1. Thanks for the link. That's exactly what I needed!
  2. I've recently made a popsicle honda where I started with a four string round braid for the loop, combined each set of 4 strings on the ends of the loop braid into an 8 string round braid for the barrel of the honda and then back braided those 8 strings to end up with two sets of four strings on the barrel of the honda. I've been trying to finish off each of these sets of four strings into Spanish ring knots, but can't seem to get the hang of it. Does anyone know of a good diagram, video or written description on how to finish four strings into a Spanish ring knot?
  3. Thanks for the replies. I do already have the Grant Encyclopedia, but I dont' think there could be a much easier way to cut long strings than this machine that Brandon Anthony is demonstrating in the YouTube video. Here's a link: String cutting - YouTube
  4. Hello, I'm Mike Ingram from Idaho. I'm just starting into braiding rawhide reatas and obviously will need some pretty long strings for the braiding. While doing some research on the best way to cut the strings from a rawhide I ran across a YouTube video done by a Mr. Brandon Anthony. In it he's using a machine that cuts strings in a spiral from a circular rawhide. I've emailed him to ask if he sells these machines, but haven't heard back from him. The YT video is about 6 years old, so I'm not sure the cutter is still available. Does anyone have information on this cutter and/or Brandon Anthony and how I might get in touch with him. Thanks up front for any help. Mike
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