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    South Central Missouri

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  1. Thanks for the replies folks. In my research on it I wondered if it might leather that has dried out. Bonded leather isn't something that I had thought about but I now think that it might very possibly be exactly that. On my next day off next week I intend to take a piece of it to Tandy Leather or Springfield Leather. They are a 2 hour drive for me but should be able to give me a definitive answer.
  2. First of all, let me say that I am EXTREMELY new to leather working, so new in fact that I haven't made a single project yet, and am getting together the tools and products I will need to make a leather holster for myself, which was the catalyst for me getting into some leather work. Anyway, I was able to get hold of some leather yesterday. It is a very stiff type of leather. If I had to guess, I would say it is the 6-7 ounce weight. The size is 3'x4' sheets. I bought 6 sheets of it for $30, which I believe was probably a very good deal. I was told by the person that I got the leather from that the leather was used in the making of Justin brand boots. That leads me to the question in the title. Does anyone know what type of leather this is? What types of projects would it be good for? I apologize for the quality of the pictures. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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