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About Mooks

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Tatlayoko Lake BC Canada
  • Interests
    outdoor clothing sewing and repair

LW Info

  • Interested in learning about
    adjusting Pfaff 345
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Yes, adjusted the cam, it is as high as it will go. Mike
  2. Thanks for the reply and the helpful suggestions. After doing what you said, ( loosened the nuts and set the needle and vibrator foot to feeddog level). the presser foot does move, but marginally. The photo labelled no.3 shows the max elevation that the presser foot makes. It clearly does not make the 7mm that I have seen suggested. Please let me know where I can go from here in terms of trouble shooting the issue. My machine looks very similar to the one in your photo. Thanks again. Mike
  3. I have a Pfaff 345 that I am trying to get working. The vibrator foot works (lifts) fine, but the presser foot doesn't budge when I turn the handwheel. I have looked at the Youtube video about adjusting the vibrator and presser feet but it hasn't made any difference. I am trying to figure out how the mechanism is supposed to work , but so far I am hitting a brick wall. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Mike
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