I think what worked was loosening the two large screws which let me change the bottom arm which restored the timing. It still wasn’t catching the bobbin but I think I was too rough putting it in and a small metal plate got bent a bit. I noticed in your video the bobbin dropped in easily. So I adjusted that. I also added a lot of oil. One of the places where the thread goes through two small plates was tight. I noticed it went up and down with turning the handle but not much. After I oiled it, it went up more and loosened the plates. I think the thread was getting stuck there. It misses a stitch on occasion. I am not sure how to adjust the cam for the thread lever or if that would help. On the front of the machine is a small screw but they are stuck and won’t adjust. I added some oil so maybe. Right now I don’t mind an occasional missed stitch.
Thanks so much everyone for the help! I will get the thread changed to smaller and I am also going to buy a lot of needles at once!