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Everything posted by NigelDA

  1. Many thanks, GatoGordo. Yes, I think that is probably the only way into it. I had already thought that (with a straight needle) needle nosed pliers would be the tool to use but, hadn't thought about shortening the needles - so obvious when you think about it. The only other issue is drilling accurately through the lining and I think I have that one worked out. As you indicate a long and tedious job ahead but, will be very satisfying when it is done. Thanks again for the so obvious solution. Nothing like 20/20 hindsight!
  2. Thank you tsunkaspa and fredk for your replies. The stitching holes for the strap retainer do not extend through the insert. I have mini drills which could do this. I have considered curved but because the needles (also doing harness stitching) have to go though three layers very accurately I feel it would need to be straight ones.
  3. The strap retainer is on a lens case for a draw telescople. The case has a leather liner which has understandably been inserted after the case has been made and is firmly in place and also obscures the stitching of the end cap. The major issue is that the internal diameter with the insert is just over 3cm and so far have not been able to find any saddlers or harness needles of 3cm or so. In any case it seems to me that the only way to approach this situation is to remove the end cap and work from there and I feel that if the right size needle/s could be found then the task is feasible. However, I await any comments or suggestions from knowledgeable people on the forum please. Thanks in advance for any helpful comments or suggestions. |Nigel
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