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  • Location
    Anchorage, Alaska
  • Interests
    outdoors, and making items

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    right now hand sewing small goods
  • Interested in learning about
    machine sewing
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    online search

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  1. It's the closure of the main bag that's the issue. The seam in red. Basically closing the circle. I did mock up a bunch of small gussets, outside corners to practice on the machine. Going to be limits there, and also just me needing to keep practicing on it, Capture.pdf
  2. Hello, I've been hand stitching for a couple years. Generally small goods, bags, wallets, belts. Mostly veg tan. I just picked up a Cobra 26, and now I'm trying to translate my work, or at least have the machine start working for me. Or trying to find a outlet for patterns that are more geared towards hand sewing. I have done a lot of the Dieselpunkro patterns. Attached is one on my favorites, or go to. In my head I can machine sew everything until I get to the last seam around the bag. Then I need to hand stitch to match the machine stitch? Which may be hard to match... Other tote patterns I've seen have some pretty bulky seams, or seams pressed into the bag. I'm still practicing, been machine sewing some outside gussets. But is there a pattern resource out there geared to machine patterns, like Deiselpunkro? Or on the bag attached, if you were to machine sew it, would you approach it as I described above.
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