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  1. Hello Lunar (julien, french repairer) i have a KE430B and ready to looking for software, and eprom write just would know if find a solution since 2019 ? I saw PS-300B could work for my machine, and also not necessary to have PRW-1 for writ in the Eprom happy to read you later Julien
  2. Hello, I begin to thought that slippage gets bad between the hook and Bobbin cap of my machine 669 both are in hard steel have you got some advices / Tools / Gum / materials or speacial cream, for polish them correctly ? Thank you Julien
  3. Thank you Wizcrafts So, i did : adler timing hook push a bit lighter the foot and a bit stronger (as you propose) the tension The result is better thank you all for your advices
  4. Thank you for your anwsers ! trash treasure, how can i control my thread before using it ? have a nice day !
  5. Thank you Constabulary for your anwser (picture below) bleu helps guiding the thread but Red keep it until the end of the rotation of the thread , and sometimes if the tension is too much that creat a bad soon here also... is it avoid to have too much tension against the fabric ? are there some videos about it ?
  6. Hello, Could you help me to understanding one shape on hook ? i don't undersant this part on some hook (in red picture below) ? Some hooks haveno things like that and work also... Can't find videos in slowmo for understanding Thank you if you have the anwser! Julien
  7. Hello, thank you very much for yours advices in this forum . I read you passionnatly. I repart, and work with some beautifull sewing machine also So, yet, i would ask to you somethings A) I have an adler 669 and it is painful to fix it... my stitches are irregular as you can see : I removed : 1) bobbin case (for new one, with good spring) 2) new bobbin 3) new hook 4) cleaning each tension disk 5) when i pull below string, there are not too light tension not too hard tension, without irregular tension (good slide between metal part and string) 6) Tension top and below arenot too much 7) Tension on the top, not irregular also 8) check Spring 9) All is clean 10) Leather completly homogeneous 11) Thread that is good wound on the spool. i have other 669 adler, with the same string (size) and the same needle, with very good result i really don't understand with i have this result... i read also the 16 advices from Wizcrafts (thank you for it) but no results... have you got an idea ? Thanks a lot to read me Julien
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