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Everything posted by SidS

  1. What sandpaper grit is best after beveling the edge ?
  2. The bad picture quality is probably caused by the lighting in my craft space. I think the belly is above the top and the neck is on the right hand side of the picture.
  3. I got this side of 8-9 oz natural veg tan tooling strap a while ago, I'm just starting to use it. There are some rather obvious stripes/discolorations on it, is this normal ? How do I deal with it ? The photo does show the stripes, but they are much more obvious IRL.
  4. It was a difficult choice, I landed on the 50% refund I would have liked to start with perfect knives, but if I went that route what would I do with the ones I already have ? They are certainly usable after putting a better edge on the round knife, they just have these black pits that don’t look too good. I used 0000 steel wool to remove the rust and I’ll polish them with Simoniz carnauba paste wax when I’m happy with the edges – not there yet, but it’s coming along I’ll post updated pictures when done
  5. Kudos to Deco Cuir, who agreed that those knives should have been more presentable, and offered a 50% refund or sending me two new knives.
  6. Any particular wax/polish brands or products I should look for ?
  7. I was responding to one of the many helpful suggestions in here. That seems to be the consensus and will most likely do that - and talk to the two companies in question.
  8. I received these less than 24 hours ago
  9. I bought them new from Deco Cuir (in France). They arrived sharpish in what appeared to be original, factory sealed packaging.
  10. I bought two new Vergez Blanchard knives and to my surprise they are rusty right out of the box. Is this normal ? What should I do - is this something I can fix myself ?
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