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    saddles and tack
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  1. ryano; I think the presser foot that I need is #58929 ( toe at left of needle). Would this foot be the one needed for use with a stirrup plate?
  2. ryano; My computer has been down for a few days so I have not been able to keep up on your progess. Sounds like you are getting a handle on the old stitcher. If I can be of any more help just holler. Let me know of your progress on the additional plates and feet. Mike
  3. Hope these pictures will work.
  4. here is the second picture
  5. ryano, Sent you a pm w/pictures of the cam. Not sure if I did it right or not. I also have a copy of the owners manual and the parts list. I would like to know a price for the stirrup plate and foot. I'll also try to post two pictures here.
  6. Hello: I have been reading your post about the 97-10. Just wanted to tell you that I have been using one since 1994. I have not found anything that it cant sew. Have used it to sew saddle bronc inside leathers( sole bend, high density polyethelen ,nylon webbing,and skirting leather all together) , single layer skirting ,and light headstalls. I use a 26 round point needle instead of the 27 chisle point. It seems to make a prettier stitch with the 26. The machine has been used to build 50+ saddles and hundreds of other items and the only thing I have ever done to it is keep it oiled. The one thing that I wish it had is a stirrup foot and plate. Well just wanted to let you know there is still at least one saddle maker that is still using the 97-10. Mike
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