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  1. I have been messing with leather for a couple years and want to get into carving floral patterns. I have a swivel knife and a smooth (medium sized) bevel and a medium camouflage tool. I am wanting to get set up so I don't have to buy a bunch along the way but I am confused at the sizing and the tool numbers. I was going to get: Steep Checkered Bevel Medium Checkered Bevel Veiner Mules foot Pear Shader Flower Center Backgrounder But I am not sure of the sizes as I go to Tandy or Weaver. Does anyone happen to have tool numbers that are good all around beginner? Do you think I need something else that I am missing?
  2. Does anyone know any resources for making a custom rifle scabbard? Have looked around and haven’t seen anything that is generic. Going on a elk hunt next year and want to make one for my .700
  3. Thanks for the advice. . Am I wrong to say that I shouldn’t use 4/5 for the lining of the holster since it is 10/12? So 2/3 for lining and 4/5 for the loops?
  4. Awesome! Thank you. so you think 3/4 is too wide for the loops right? Would 1/2 inch be more suitable. Saw a video of someone using 3/4 is why I chose that strap. And 5/6 ounce for loops? Could I use the same 4/5 for the loops and the liner if I need to buy new want to make it cost effective. thanks again! Have been looking at your posts for some time and always great stuff!’
  5. I am planning a gun belt and holster build. I want to use the same 10-12 ounce veg tan (because I have enough to do it) for holster and belt. Lining I have heard a lot different opinions so was wondering if I could use 2-3 ounce veg tan or is there another weight /type I should use. I am also planning out the bullet loops and am going to weave 3/4 inch latigo strap and was wondering if there is possibly a distance .357 that I should make my pattern. I have seen 3/4 inch between oblong slots but wanted to get opinions.
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