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Everything posted by Gryning

  1. Hi, Yes that is right. The needle plate isnt there at all. I took it away so that the thread loop would be more visable. Im holding the tab with a screw driver to keep it from jamming
  2. I tried to film when the thread loops over the shuttle and when I did some stitches with the hand wheel. https://streamable.com/lgy9r9 https://streamable.com/ufwugw <div style="position:relative; width:100%; height:0px; padding-bottom:56.250%"><iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen height="100%" src="https://streamable.com/e/lgy9r9?" width="100%" style="border:none; width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; overflow:hidden;"></iframe></div> <div style="position:relative; width:100%; height:0px; padding-bottom:56.250%"><iframe allow="fullscreen" allowfullscreen height="100%" src="https://streamable.com/e/ufwugw?" width="100%" style="border:none; width:100%; height:100%; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px; overflow:hidden;"></iframe></div>
  3. Thank you for the input! I did a calibration according to the 1245 manual. Its slightly better but I still get the loops. Especially when i turn the wheel faster. I dont have any snapping sound as the one you showed Uwe. But might there be something catching in the end? I also suspect that the hook is somewhat worn..
  4. Thank you for the input! Which part of the number is the sub class number? I couldnt really find my number. But I found the letters though. Regarding the leather sewing part I figured that the L would stand for leather. M would be the safety clutch and N doesnt correspond to any number? But I have also read that the binder machines doesnt really sew heavy thread, like the 335. This is #92 and not that heavy I think. I would like it to sew at least #135. Ok I will try and raise the needle bar to accomodate a longer needle and adjust the bobbin så that the needle doesnt get crowded.
  5. Hi all, I Recently got my hands on an old Pfaff 545 and since I needed a flatbed machine for sewing leather I thought this was the machine I didnt yet have. The prevoius ownere hadn't sewn leather on it and did mention it skipped some stiches sometimes which made me think it would be a calibration job more than anything... I might have been wrong. First of all. Is this machine for leather really? The letter on the front made me think so and the big flywheel points to sewing heavy stuff. But then I notised that the feed dog doesn't lift like a four motion feed dog would do.. Is this perhaps a binder machine? (I suspect so looking into the main shaft -images) Second. The previous owner have put 135/5 needles in it. If I switch to 135/35 (Which I think it should have) the needle binds with the shuttle underneath. Tension: And as you see the machine does really poorly with leather work. This is 92 thread. The upper tension is quite high here so something is binding underneath I think. I might need some help here. I have looked at tons of videos and read a lot of threads here at the forum. I can send more images and videos of the set up with the feed dog and shuttle etc. Appreciate all help. Med vänlig hälsning, Erik
  6. Here is some picture of the tension unit. Does it look complete? Also, could you send the manual. I did send you a DM
  7. Thank you. Yes if its not working then I will def argue on the price.
  8. Hi all, So it should roughly look like this https://www.ebay.com/itm/144896567757 on the top parts?
  9. Will ask for photos on this! Also how do I assess if the rest of the machine really is as heavy duty as it should be? Take up lever measurements? (And of course tension unit?)
  10. Should make for a heavier thread then? Anything else I should look out for / check when picking the machine up? Might go next Sunday.
  11. Outside height: 1.2 cm Inside height: 1 cm Width: 2.6 cm
  12. Thanks for the help so far. Realised now that the machine I'm thinking of buying is the Singer mentioned in here. If I do drive up to her and the Koch is in working order I'll try to snap some videos to you for your record!
  13. Thank you all for the efforts. As I said Im not about the sew a saddle but rather some leather bags so it should at least sew through some layers of 5 ounce leather. I will ask the seller to measure the bobbin. She did provide this image of the shuttle and needles earlier. Although Im beginning to suspect that she never has done any sewing on it so I would take the needles with a grain of salt. Perhaps part of why the threading situation isnt working.
  14. 12 mm would be absolutely max. Most likely around two or three layers with 5 ounce leather (6-8mm?).
  15. 332250492_6380808261951053_6527730481080989357_n.mp4
  16. Hi Wiz! Thank you for the reply. Yeah I think there is some issue on treading, perhaps both top and bottom. But would the machine be up to par on my demands? Its hard to find information on the capacity.
  17. Hi all, First time posting and new to this forum. Im looking for a leather sewing machine to fit my needs in sewing leather. Its still a hobby and budget is somewhat tight. Also, I live in Sweden, which highly limits the availability of machines. However, there is a Singer 34K11 being sold on marketplace for some $350, but a bit to far away to just drive over just to test so I would appreciate some advice before taking on the trip. I would like to sew leather up to 1/2 inch and preferably veg tanned leather. I also need it to sew with some thicker threads like 207 and above. The items is medium heavy bags and leather slippers (Not shoes or boots) . Would this machine be capable of this? How heavy duty is it? There is a possibility to wait a bit and perhaps buy a Adler 5-6 but for a considerable higher pice (Around $2300 including VAT and freight) http://www.sieck.de/en/machines/sewing/saddlery-machines/?produkt=11154. The issue is that the person who sells the Singer don't know how to use it and it seems to not pick up the bottom thread. Motor works fine. It might be an easy fix but what if its not? How easy is it to get spare parts for such a old machine? I have more videos but upload limit doesn't allow me to show them here. Appreciate input in these machines. 330871624_5865085063612054_705312998424598521_n.mp4
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