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Everything posted by CitizenGreyArms

  1. I wanted to respond to this thread because while looking for a binder for my juki 1341 this thread came up. Aparently the actual juki brand binder kit is no longer made. I found "KHSew" moving arm on ebay, and after ordering found i needed more parts. Youd need the "kh869" arm which comes with a post for the 1341(the arm is for an adler 869 OR juki 1341), as well as the 1341 specific needle plate, feed dog (the moving arm has a pin that inserts into this feed dog which is what makes the arm synchronize to the foot), and their binding foot (i had a random ebay binding foot that happens to work and was 20$). I purchased all the pieces on ebay from a couple different sellers. Juki 1341 Binder They also make a fixed bracket that swings away but isnt syncronized Fixed plate
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