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About RBLH

  • Rank
    New Member

Profile Information

  • Location
    Tri-Cities, WA

LW Info

  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Horse gear
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. Hey Fredk, 3/8 in dia. I thinking a long the same lines. Still will need to modify. I don’t have many to do, as I am rebuilding a bridle already with ferrules. I just need to add a few more
  2. Hey Bruce, thanks for the reply. Yes, I assumed they were a bit rare, not being able to find any through searches. The pictures (much appreciated) are about how I envisioned the tool would look and work. A person would need to do quite a few to make the price of the tool worth it. thanks!!
  3. Hey Bruce, thanks for the reply. Yes, I assumed they were a bit rare, not being able to find any through searches. The pictures (much appreciated) are about how I envisioned the tool would look and work. A person would need to do quite a few to make the price of the tool worth it. thanks!!
  4. I am looking for the tool used to crimp (set) sterling ferrules on a rounded leather horse bridle. The tool slightly rounds over the edge of the ferrule, setting it into the leather. Does the tool have name? Or, do I need to jerryrig something on my own? Pictures of the actual tool or your version would be helpful.
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