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About ken1963

  • Rank
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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    swivelknife cutting
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
  1. thanks for the review never thought to pic the back but it said in script Fathers day 2009 have never ben asked to ingrave the back but have seen it done also the belt loops are a toung and pin thanks ken
  2. thanks Shelly i do have a web www.curetonsilversmiths.webs.com also i hope that i would be able to do some work that you would like , my goal in engraving is to do the best work i can and always improve .thanks ken
  3. yes luke i do custom silver work and other styles of egraving as well thanks .
  4. not leather work but hope you dont mind this post hand engraved sterling buckle
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