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Everything posted by zackjordan

  1. Late reply to this thread but i just stumbled upon it... So I purchased a 441 clone from alibaba about a year ago. it came right to my door, not a single additional fee i had to pay, no tariffs, import tax, nothing. I think it was $1200 or so including shipping (machine only). so far the thing has been flawless, build quality seems as good anything i've seen and honestly a lot better than buying a well used major brand version IMO. the name on it is JIANG LONG, and it's the long arm version. I also bought a Global 217zz with cam reader a few years ago since i was unable to find a good 4-point zz machine anywhere (although i recently picked up a bernina with cam reader for $300 complete/first owner but I still prefer the Global). Similar experience with that machine, i think it was about $1500 to my door (machine only). I switch back and forth between it and the Bernina i picked up recently and the global is very close to as smooth operating as the bernina, and the global has 12mm width vs 6mm for the Bernina, plus it has a puller. For me, the extra features, and almost identical performance make it a winner. I need to/should sell the bernina but i haven't been able to yet, its such a sweet machine, 1 owner, came with manual and a bunch of cams for so cheap...
  2. I recently picked up a bernina that has the fancy stitch cam, and in the manual it references both cam styles, the small cams and the larger style one which is what the globals come with ( i also have a global 217 with 4-point). So some bernina 217s came with the small cams and others with the larger one?
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