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Everything posted by Desertdweller

  1. Thank you! That’s exactly the info I was looking for. Will definitely check it out. Interesting about the hand wheel as thats the way it came and everything looked like it was still factory packaged. But now that you point it out it definitely looks like it would make more sense facing the other way.
  2. Hi y’all I am an Arizonan now living in Namibia Africa and I just pulled the trigger in buying my first industrial sewing machine to up my leatherwork game. I imported a new Oryx 341 (same machines as the cowboys in the US, just re named the oryx as its more relevant for Africa) from South Africa and have it all dialed in with a recently added speed speed reducer. It was quite expensive and a pain in the ass to get it sent over but well worth it. Its a solid machine! Namibia is one of the most remote countries in the world in terms of population and logistics. Its no easy feat getting leather supplies here with (luckily) only one overpriced leather supply shop and absolutely no online shopping options whatsoever with lack of online payment systems and reliable shipping. As well as I literally live in the middle of nowhere in the desert with the nearest grocery store being 4 hours away. My brother is visiting from the US soon so naturally I plan on loading him up like a pack mule with stuff from the US lol. I would like to get a drop down edge guide and a few different presser feet styles for the machine. I am trying to spend as least amount of money as possible so was hoping to find some deals on parts from other bigger brands or generic label that will fit on the machine. Anyone have any info on what might be compatible? Also any recommendations for time saving leather tools/gear you can’t live without? Bonus points if they are small and not extremely heavy!
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