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Everything posted by 108LeatherWorks

  1. I'm running multiple passes, but doesn't quite make the full punch
  2. Hey all, Here's my first helmet shield produced for a customer. Laser cut/engraved, finished by hand. Cheapo amazon 10 watt laser cutter doesn't quite punch all the way through unfortunately. Utilized Fiebing's dark brown dye for this one. Any recommendations for laser adjustments to complete the cuts?
  3. Good morning all, My name's Cody, I'm a newbie to the forum. Before jumping into the questions, I wanted to drop a brief introduction. My interest in the leather industry was sparked when I joined the fire department in 2009. I've always been intrigued with the beauty of a hand tooled helmet shield. I've always been a fan of the shields crafted by smaller leather shops over the mass produced models. The level of detail and effort is amazing. I started dabbling in leatherwork around 2011 when I was in my very early 20s. I made simple stamped radio straps, glove straps, and tried my hand at some shield designs, but didn't really understand the technique. Fast forward to now, I've invested some money into restarting the business. I purchased a laser cutter/etcher to help cut out and lay the foundation for the hand carving. I've been reading into and watching videos on many different techniques, basically anything I can get my hands on to start improving upon my skill set. My question is, what are some recommended tools and techniques to produce a beautiful 3 dimensional design such as the pictured one? What types of beveling tools should I look into for something along these lines? This pictured shield is my style goal for my line of shields. Any informational material, knowledge or tips would be greatly appreciated! Feel free to drop some of your designs in the comments for inspiration!
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