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    Leather work and canvas goods

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  1. Hi folks, I'm hoping you can help me, last year I bought a second hand 20T clicker press, worked fine initially then it started periodically not clicking. So it would turn on and run fine but when I press both buttons I can hear the switches engaging but no movement. Then it just started working consistently no problem for like 6 months so I forgot about it, however as it's getting cold in the workshop now it's stopped working again. -So now I'm thinking is this due to temperature? I've left it on for 30 mins and it hasn't warmed up and started working. -I'm not sure when it last had a oil change or even how much oil it has in it, I'm thinking this is the best place to start? If it doesn't have much oil in it would this be effected now it's colder as during the summer it was working fine. Any advice is very much appreciated, thank you Brian.
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