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  • Location
  • Interests
    Weaving, design and clothing construction.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    limited leather experience
  • Interested in learning about
    how to sew leather with a Singer 251-3
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    internet search

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  1. Your a star! Thanks for the input. I was not even sure if putting a servo motor on the machine was doable or just an internet myth. I will try it in the new year. I have a few projects in mind. You are not kidding when you said the machine is heavy! It took four strong men to get it into the basement. Never moving it again. Thanks and I will let you all know how it goes. I am excited to try.
  2. Hi, So would a 16-261 designed for heavy canvas work? it is not a leather needle specifically.
  3. Hi All, I have a Singer 251-3. Bought it a few years ago. I mostly sew clothing and other household items on a domestic machine but sometimes need a bit more heft. I recently took up weaving and have done a bit of weaving with recycled denim. I am wanting to sew some leather onto the piece of denim cloth that I wove and create a handbag. I am familiar with leather needles for domestic machines but what about leather needles for this particular machine? Is there a chisel type made for it and where can I find them? I am aware that I need to match thread and needle size but I want to know if leather needles are available. I will do hand sewing for the exposed portions but I want the seams done by machine as they will be turned inside out. I also know the machine goes like spit! I am hoping to put a different motor on it but need more information on this. I want to slow it down and have more control. I'm good on a domestic machine but this is a different league altogether. I have seen some posts on adapting a servo motor to the machine. Thoughts? That's two question now. Thanks, Margaret From Winnipeg, Manitoba
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