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Everything posted by CrimsonCloud13

  1. Thanks for the insight! Is there a specific thread online that explains which servo motor to get and how to install it with a speed reducer?
  2. Thanks!! I thought as much. Then I will get the 155 for sure! I can't wait to pick it up saturday I'm planning to make seat covers for my motorcycles amd maybe some fun custom creations and hopefully reupholster my old whiskey barrel couch which is now falling apart (see picture below). I'm hoping I can try to reupholster it with the same colors and pattern but it will be a real challenge. I want to dabble in leather craft as well. Just out of curiosity, what machine works for a holster?
  3. I'm new to industrial walking foot machines and leather work. I saw two machines for sale but unsure of which to get. A Singer 111w155 which I see a lot of info online about and a Singer 153wsv13 which has virtually no info online about but I see similar machines for sale. I know the open arm is generally a more versatile choice but like I said, I am having trouble finding into on the 153wsv13. Anyone have info about this model?
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