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  1. @CowboyBob I posted them here! Let me know what you think. I had to take a part a few layers just to finally get access (nothing electrical). I have faith that the reference parts diagram will assist me to put them back together, also I took a bunch of process photos. JUKI HZL F400
  2. I bought the machine used so attempting to fix it. JUKI HZL F400 https://www.reddit.com/u/verniyah/s/HgS1CBuG6r
  3. @CowboyBob Wowwww I may have found the issue. Check it out at the link. Is this a gear? Does it just need replacing? I wonder if I could just take the one off of my Singer Heavy Duty https://www.reddit.com/u/verniyah/s/wJtU4MAflA
  4. @CowboyBob Yes, I did take the case out so now it's just taking the cover off under the arm and checking that out? Should I see if anything got stuck under the bottom? I bought this machine used so I have no idea what the other person did to damage it, kind of lost on this but will definitely try your suggestion
  5. Also the machine is bought used so I could not say what cause this problem.
  6. The gear in the back is also clicking and jumping at certain points, as you can see in the video when I am hand cranking the machine. The hook also spins at certain points. It makes me wonder if there is just a jam somewhere, if the gear was absolutely done then the hook wouldn't spin at all, right? https://www.reddit.com/u/verniyah/s/xqP3ehouwk
  7. Please assist. My bobbin hook is not spinning at some points. I will move it around and sometimes it will spin and others it won't. I'm hoping there's just something stuck down there. https://www.reddit.com/u/verniyah/s/4jdO9hBg9K
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