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    leather working, fishing

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  1. I'm looking for some recommendations on where to take my singer 111 for a tune up. I'm located right in the middle between Louisville and Cincinnati. Any help would be much appreciated
  2. @CowboyBobi actually saw those on eBay but was to slow. Unfortunately I missed them. Hopefully a few more are found and put up for sale
  3. @AlZilla thank you, I was wondering how that worked. I will mess with it some more this coming weekend and report back if im able to figure anything out @CowboyBob does your company sell the feed regulating spindle for the 111w103
  4. cowboybob: does your company sell these new? AlZilla: yes someone for sure twisted the you know what out of it. could this be from not holding the button down by the walking foot while turning the knob? or does that button actually do anything
  5. Thanks all. I ended up getting the rod to slide back in by sticking a screw driver into this sliding part (yellow arrow pointing to part in picture) and spinning the drive wheel. Went right back in no issues but appears to not be controlling the stich spacing anymore. I will machine a new rod this coming weekend. Hopefully this solves this old machines issues. I have heard there is a way to adjust the stich spacing from the bottom of the machine but have not been able to locate directions on how this is done. Does anyone here know?
  6. thanks everyone. Scoutmom103 I'm from southern Indiana on the Ohio river
  7. Hi everyone. I'm looking into acquiring a family members old singer. The machine looks to be in good shape other than the "feed regulating spindle". Would anyone know what would cause the shaft to collapse and twist like this, I'm assuming someone cranked down on it at some point. I also noticed that the spindle will not go back into position now that I unscrewed it out. Any help would be great.
  8. Hi everyone, new leather worker and member here. I've got much to learn and look forward to getting some advice from all of you.
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