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Everything posted by Asavva

  1. Oh, that's really unfortunate. The files are too big to attach directly to the post, what would you suggest I do instead?
  2. Just gave it to her recently, as she just got back from vacation, but with an unburnished leather cord like I made, it has enough friction to not open up on its own during every day use. In fact, it can sometimes be annoying to open it up due to how much friction the unburnished leather fiber has. It'll become easier to open with use, as the cord smoothes out, but if that's an issue, burnishing the leather or using a rounded leather cord may be a solution.
  3. that would be the lighting. yeah, that's what happened, though it does seem to be working fine, and is back to a more creamy consistency now that it's had time to come to room temp.
  4. Ordered some tokonole for the first time, and it came during freezing cold temperatures. It was left out in the cold for around half a day, though it didn't freeze. Does this look normal/usable, or is it ruined? The videos and images I saw of it showed a smoother texture, so I'm worried.
  5. Thank you for the kind words, everyone! Seeing as everyone loves the design, I feel it would be wrong to not give credit to the wonderful pattern I modified this from. https://www.etsy.com/listing/1035943663 And here is how the sides of the pouch look side by side (original pattern and my sized up version)
  6. A friend requested a chrome tan bag in the style of a dice pouch I'd made before. Wasn't able to find any other larger bags like this, so just sized up the pouch and added a handle. This is my fourth leatherworking project, and I'm reasonably happy with how the design turned out, even if the stitching and edges are a bit off in places. I'd love to hear some feedback or suggestions that I could try if I decide to make this again.
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