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Everything posted by misfit36

  1. hello everyone, im brand new to this leather thing. one day i decided i didnt want to pay a crapload of money to someone for a seat that someone else probably has, so i mad my own. i made my own pan to get the shape i wanted and then went to town on the leather ( after practicing and learning what tools do what). im pleased with how it came out, but i know it can be improved and thats why im here. to learn . ive been browsin around ive seen some bitchin stuff. its my take on the "Man's Ruin" tattoo: people say i ruined my bike because of some of the stuff ive done, but i love it. It is an angle grinder, inside of a beer mug, held by my ripped of hand( because most of my inspiration comes to me when i drink a few pints), with a wrench. And it says "Bike's Ruin", sorry bout the long intro. Thanks
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