Apologies if this has been covered in previous threads but....I couldn't find them.
I was all prepared to set up my much-anticipated and very cheap Chinese Shoe Patcher this evening, but I've run into trouble very early - considering the lack of info available on this particular issue, I'm guessing it's either not common or I'm missing something obvious. (Normally I'm pretty handy, but tinkering with sewing machines is a bit new to me.)
I'm trying to mount the hand wheel - I realize where the inner/outer bearers are supposed to go (as well as the small niche) but....I think the inner bearer is in the wrong place? I'll attach a photo. There are some screws to the left of it that I thought perhaps might shift some pieces, but so far none of my tools can budge them.
Help would be VERY appreciated. My new hip bag isn't going to sew itself!