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  1. Found the issue- was playing around down at the bobbin and noticed the PO had removed the front screw on the bobbin spring. Also took the tension disks all off and lubed up the stuff in there and with those we are now sewing perfect.
  2. Hi all, I recently purchased a singer 111w154. I used to have a 114w and loved it, reupholstering an old boat I had. Fast forward to today, my new boat needs the best bases redone, and I’ve opted to get an old singer again and have at it. this machine was out in almost every regard, I’m guessing someone tried to fix it and gave up. I went through, timed the upper shaft to the lower, timed the hook and set all adjustments there per the manual. The issue I am having is that the upper thread gets caught in the tension disks, and won’t budge. Doesn’t matter if I set the machine to no tension or full tension on the disks. The top thread lays flat, and then the machine will stop feeding altogether and start pulling the slack through. If I continue, it will pull the top thread through from old stitches. I’ve gone through a bunch of Uwe’s videos (super helpful), and went through this forum a bit but could not find anything yet on this specific issue. Even with the thumb nut all the way backed off, it’ll have really loose stitches for a bit, till the thread goes through the tension disks, then gets to the same point as listed above. No grooves in the tension disks. happy to provide any needed photos or info, but can anyone point me in the right direction? Using 135/17 needles, size 20( I believe), 12wt (Tex 69) thread, sewing vinyl. located in Denver, PA 17517
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