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  1. Hi all - I was able to pick up a Pfaff 145 head to refurbish. I would like to resell it and think it'd probably sell better with a table. I found someone selling a shell of a 1245, with a table. I think the machine has no moving parts in it, so I'm considering it for the table only. Does anyone know if there's any chance the 145 would fit in the 1245 table? Also - is there any value of a machine that's basically just the shell?
  2. OK! I think that worked! I adjusted both the top and bottom tension, tightening both, and also found that either the bobbin or the way I wound it was intermittently refusing to move. I used a different bobbin and we seem to be in business! It does bunch periodically as I start off, but I'll keep fiddling with it. Thanks, all, for the advice!! Now on to the Adler 67 I also picked up to refurb!!
  3. Thank you - I'll play with the tension. I do think I maybe loosened the bobbin tension way too much
  4. ok, one more while holding the threads
  5. oh, let me try that too. this is without holding them tight!
  6. yep! will do tomorrow. I'm following this video to the best of my knowledge:
  7. Ok, here's the status of where we're at. All bound up! I've removed and cleaned EVERYTHING around the bobbin, the case, the needle and therefore it is a little outta whack. Any help is appreciated
  8. oh, the thread is bunched up!! I really don't know how to sort that out
  9. ok, I found an amazing video that covers the installation. I see the pads are already in there - I see what you mean now and I'll try that. I hope this video helps someone! I'm close but oh boy is my thread bunched up. I'll start a new thread on timing...
  10. oh dang. I don't think I have the brake pads on. My motor didn't come with any instructions. Anyone have a link?
  11. I think I got most of the rust off! I am trying to sew for the first time and threading my needle. I'm having a REALLY hard time moving the hand wheel while it is connected to the servo motor. Is that normal? Should I be disconnecting it when I need to hand crank it? I have a CONSEW servo motor if that helps.
  12. Ok - here it is fully restored with a new motor. On to thread next! Suggestions for leather?
  13. Uwe that video showed me exactly what was wrong as I reassembled the bobbin mechanism. Thank you!
  14. Thanks so much! Ok - no moving the handwheel in that direction anymore. Really appreciate your time and knowledge everyone. I can't wait to get this set up with a motor and give it a whirl!
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