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About CooCooCaChoo

  • Rank
    New Member

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  • Location
    Memphis, TN
  • Interests
    Reading, automotive repair, history

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
  • Interested in learning about
    Holsters, totes, pattern making
  • How did you find leatherworker.net?
    Husband forwarded site

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  1. Thank you for the suggestions and input, I’ll do a bit of research and post relevant pics when I’m done.
  2. Whoops-meant to post this in Holsters…
  3. Hi-I’m new to leatherwork and trying my hand at making a holster. My 1st is for a Ruger 5.5” single six, though I also have flap and OWB types in my sights as well. I’m hoping to create a pattern from an old drop loop holster but replace the drop loop with a different belt loop design. The “Strong Belt Loop Attachment?” thread seems to hit on this tangentially, but I’m hoping there are a few of the more experienced holster makers and wearers willing to expand the topic a bit. Perhaps with thoughts on 1) any rules of thumb associated with belt loop placement (such as distance apart if two loops or min/max widths if one loop), 2) their favorite “go-to” holster belt loop designs that they find work well (regardless of holster type) or their most hated, 3) suggest elements of placement or design which may need to be considered for overall functionality, strength and comfort or 4) attaching loops in such a way as to be easily modified in future (such as converted to or from gun belt). This maybe too broad a topic and I’m likely over thinking this-but thoughts or suggestions appreciated!
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