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  • Location
    Derbyshire, UK
  • Interests
    Floral carving and tooling.

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  • Leatherwork Specialty
    Floral carving and tooling.
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    Anything and everything!
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  1. @Mulesaw Thanks for the welcome Jonas, and kind words! The Pearson is great (though as we found out recently, not great to move house with ). We were previously in Sheffield so not too far to lug it (though 10 yards is enough). Understood re the link! Thank you also @Northmount - I’ll try to post a picture below as a tester. I had tried previously, and did manage to resize it to the limit, but perhaps being on a phone didn’t help… Thank you too @BruceGibson and @SUP Anyway - here goes a tester pic under the 1.49mb limit… maybe it’s to be, maybe not A rifle sling I’ve been working on
  2. Hey all - nice to meet you. My name’s Jason (JP) and I’m a part time leatherworker over in the UK in a small village in Derbyshire. Been working with leather for around 10 years after watching Bruce Cheaney on YouTube whilst I was at university. Spiralled since. Most of my work uses J&FJ Bakers oak bark (would love to try some A grade hermann oak if I ever get the chance). Recent clock project I’ve been working on below. My instagram is also the main page for me at the moment. You can find it here. Looking forward to being part of the forum!
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