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Finally re-made the bloomin' thing

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100_6705.JPG100_6707.JPGWell, my first holster is now in the scrap pile. I made it out of chrome tanned leather, for two reasons: 1. I have plenty of it, and 2. I had no idea what I was doing. Now, it's remade in veg tan, and I wet molded it, then stitched it by hand. The rivet is strictly utilitarian, to prevent stretching of the stitch when reholstering. It's my take on what would happen if a Milt Sparks and a Horsehoe Leather holster were left in a dark closet together. The belt loop is pretty wide, and held on with a chicago screw, so the rake is adjustable. Comments and suggestions please ( and be gentle- it's the second time I've made my first holster)

(And yes, I'll make a new wallet as soon as I get some leather to do it)



Edited by TwinOaks

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I think it looks pretty decent myself. I would probably open up the muzzle end, cut down the body shied but that may be difficult without a bobbed hammer, and round the edges a little bit. Being a hardcore 1911 carrier myself, I would also try and extend the holster a little to keep the trigger area totally closed off. I will say one thing though, it definately looks like the holster is going to conceal it. How do the Chicago screws work?

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It's only got one screw in it, and it works wonderfully. After it wears for a while, I'm going to disassemble the loop part and see if it needs a washer or the like to help distrubute the load on the leather. But so far, it's good. The loop stubbornly refuses to tilt off of its angle.

I did think about opening up the muzzle, and might still do it, but I want to see how it does for a while. A little extra at the muzzle isn't hurting anything right now, and I know I won't get any trash in it from that side.

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