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Howdy all! I have posted some already, I found the forum when I was up to my elbows in STUFF and had some questions... Now I am ready to introduce myself!

I am a young homesteader in central Saskatchewan (Canada) and leather is only one small part of my day to day activities, but about to become a lot more real... I raise chickens, beef and soon to be sheep for all intensive purposes (eggs, meat, fleece, bone tools, sinew, wool, leather, fertilizer and anything else I can think of...). I butchered my first steer last week, and will be tanning some hide and working my OWN leather before too long (okay, maybe spring)

I have not done much leather work up to this point, though I made a pair of batwing chaps a number of years ago and that is one thing I plan to do with this hide (hair on chaps).

I guess that's all that is particulary relevant to this forum. I also train horses & play guitar, for what it's worth (which varies depending on the compay).

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Welcome jouLe! There will be lots of help here, and it sounds like there's going to be quite a few things we are going to learn from you.

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joule, welcome to the forum. Where abouts in Saskatchewan are you?

What is the nature of the "Original Title" you are looking for in the thread? If you have an idea of what it talks about, you can do a search for that, from the top left corner of the page is a search button.


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