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How are Tandys startup tool sets?

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I'm going to start making holsters, belts, mag holders, and some general leather items and have a quick question on tools. How are Tandys startup tool sets? They have a price range all the way up to about $1000 and I'd like to know if a set like this is worth it or not. I'm not sure if one of these tool sets would be worth the money or if it would be better just to piece it together. It's like going to Sears and buying their biggest tool set, most of the stuff you'd never use but if you need it it's always nice to have it there. Any help would be appreciated.

Edited by mliebs8

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Howdy. These sets fall into 2 categories: Workshop or Decoration. The workshop kits include the tools for cutting leather, punching holes, setting fastners like snaps or rivets. This is leather working. The other kits are intended to teaching carving and stamping. This is decoration.

The pro leatherworkers kit on sale is a pretty good start for the former. Wanna cut belts - it contains a strap cutter. Wanna cut holsters it contains shears for cutting, a knife for cutting, groover and punches for stitching, beveler, and tools for setting fastners. What it doesn't contain is stamps - which are for decoration. These you can find in a lot of places. I don't think you'd go wrong with this set. That will still leave you with money for buying leather. peace!

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