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LCSJ Cover

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I was talking with an illustrious fellow LW.net member about the cover of the recent issue (Jan/Feb. 2009) of the LCSJ. He said the color of the piece was mud. That being non-specific, I thought it looked like the Northern Illinois mud of my youth. I could, however, be mistaken.

Any opinions on this: central Missourah mud, Louisiana Delta mud, maybe southern Colorado? Any thoughts?


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Been through northern Illinois (seems like a lot). Mostly blacker mud up there. The cover resembles the mud we see up here to about the 1000 foot elevation. Since it is raining today, I can tell you that with some degree of certainty. Higher than that and it seems to get more reddish.

That said, I found the write up on page 32, and unlike some of the other articles, this one actually made it all on one page instead of having snippets scatttered throughout the journal like bread crumbs. The finish was neatsfoot oil followed by Tandy EcoFlow Gel in saddle tan. The final finish was Tan Cote. I like the way the color printed on page 32 better than the cover.

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