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Anyone still use Saddle Lac?

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I've used Leather Sheen and Super Sheen, but I much prefer the results I get with Saddle Lac on a black belt. The finish is dark, glossy, and never cloudy. I usually get some white residue when I use either of the sheens I mentioned.

However, I've noticed when spraying Saddle Lac, I end up with some "splotches". I try to very carefully and evenly spray the entire belt, but they always end up a little spotty.

Also, I've had the Saddle Lac flake and peel off in certain "high stress" areas. I thought the stuff was made to be very durable and flexible.

In any event, I really want to keep using Saddle Lac, but I don't know if I'm doing something wrong or if it's just an inferior product. I've tried searching the forums, but there doesn't seem to be any topics on it.

Any advice for a hard-working newb?

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I use it, but I much prefer the spray neatlac, although my supply is dwindling. I think the trick is to spray lightly, but you may try to see if ALL the areas will accept water before you apply the saddlelac. if not you may need to rub with alcohol or deglazer first. In any case, let dry before spraying.


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