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Leather covered helmet

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Has anyone every covered a motorcycle helmet with leather? How do you go about doing that and what leather do you use? Can you use veg tanned with a carved design on it?


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Leaving aside the complexities of covering the helmet, I would be inclined to make sure that the glue you propose to use doesn't cause the helmet material to break down. Most modern helmets are pretty intolerant of glues and are often weakened by them.

If that works out and your glue is safe to use then cover your helmet in sarran wrap - cling film for the Brits - and start laying on strips of duct tape. Put a second layer at 90 degrees to the first, trim around the base of the helmet and then lift the whole lot off the helmet in one piece. This will give you a 3D pattern that can be cut into manageable segments or sections. Transfer the segment shapes onto your leather. Carefully cut out your shapes and stitch or glue them into place (preferably both).

Finish by boning the joints until they sit nicely. Trim the edge as appropriate. Job done.

Sounds so easy doesn't it...


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