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Dye Getting on Clothing from Holster

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New to leather, I have made a few holsters and am noticing dye rubbing off onto my clothing. I rub the leather down after dying but still happening. Am I missing something? Is there a way to fix or seal the leather after dying? What about wax? I have heard of some using wax but don't know the first thing about using it on leather. Please help. Thanks.

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You need to put a top finish, or sealer over dye. Dye your product, (I just regular Feibings leather dye or the oil dye is good to) then put a light coat of pure neastfoot oil over the top of it. Let it set over night and then put a top finish on it. I used to use Neat-lac but you can't get that anymore. Clear-lac is an optionl product but it tends to strip dye worse than Neatlac did, so what I do is put a coat of Feibings Tan-kote on, let it dry and then use the Clear-lac over that. You can put one or two coats on ,with a peice of wool skin is the best way, and make sure you really rub it in to the leather. Two light coats rubbed in is better than on heavy coat. With the Tan-kote on first the Clear-lac shouldn't strip that dye off. Rubbing it forces it into the leather, prevents it from streaking and give a great satin finish. Make sure to do this to you edges after you have slicked and burnished them to. Hope that helps.



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