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want to do figure carved wildlife scenes.what brand of tools and why.can not afford high end tools but do not want junk either.any help is great thanks miken

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Probably the best tools on the market come from Bob Beard and his Pro-Tools. I'm sure someone will give me an argument about this, but this is my opinion. The only problem is the price. Bob's tools run from about $45 and up for his figure carving tools, but they are well worth the price. They are hand made, so it takes him awhile to make one, but you get what you pay for.

Tandy Craftool F-series tools also do the job as they were designed by a figure carving master, Al Stohlman. He always did an excellent job on whatever he did and sometimes he made up a design to go with a new tool. I use many of the Tandy Craftools, as they were within my price range when I started out and they do the job that I want them to; but I also own a few of Bob Beard's tools and I use them when the project calls for something a little different. The best thing to do is start out with the Craftools and then, when you can, go to one of the leather shows and check out what is available. I have not been to Wickenburg yet, but I have been to Sheridan for their shows and there are always tool makers there that could help you out.


Howdy Guys

I was talking with Jim Linnell the other day and was telling him that I want to take a figure carving class from him. I asked him what he suggested for tools. He told me he does most all his work with Tandy figure tools. He suggested that since I'm in the learning stage, spend the money on modest priced tools; that way if your not liking the figure work, your not out a bunch of money. I talked with Chan Geer, he agreed with Jim's idea.

Hope this helps

Happy tooling




Just a note, If your getting into the carving end of it, may I suggest you find a mentor/ teacher that can show you 'tricks' that make the learning curve smaller.

Happy tooling



No I don't any teachers in OH. But if you contact your local leather store , I guess you have Tandy / leather factory, they would know of teachers and you may consider joining your local leather guild. they have lots of folks that can get you on track

Most all senior toolers are always willing to help out

Happy tooling


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