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Creaser - Looking For Advice

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Hello, I have tried a couple different creasers with differing amounts of happiness on my part.

I have tried the basic plastic one that comes on the end of the plastic burnisher/creaser/folder you can get at Tandy:


That one actually works well, but the pressure and repetition required to get the crease I want ends up melting it and flattening it down so that it is not usable.

I picked up a metal version that is adjustable:


I found it terrible to use because it was not as reliable, predictable and controllable as the plastic one.

Also, I would like to be able to make a double line crease at one time. So, what out there will give me results like the plastic version, but last longer? Also, what out there has the option for a double crease?

I have one of those groovers, but I am not interested in removing surface leather, just burnishing a crease into the leather at the edge.

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