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hi can any one tell me if you can use xanthan gum to slick edges if so wot is the mix to use thanx walletman (bob) :helpsmilie:

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hi can any one tell me if you can use xanthan gum to slick edges if so wot is the mix to use thanx walletman (bob) :helpsmilie:

I've never heard of using xanthan gum for slicking. I've heard of it used in cooking as a thickener for sauces, etc. Did you mean

Gum Traganth?

I've used gum traganth to slick edges. You can get it from Tandy. There are so many different "recipes" for slicking edges

ranging from gum trag to glue and water, to spit, to .......

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This is a peave of mine, so take it for what it's worth(one guy's opinion), but I see too many projects that are not edged and burnished.

For those jobs that do require it I have three different applications.

1- I have a soul finisher with a big hardwood drum with groves to fit different sized edges.

2- For my Dremmel I made a small leather drum with a grove too fit smaller edges.

3- The old fashoned way, a folded piece of canvas with beeswax.

I use beeswax on all my edges. Only some times do I use edgekote.

The trick is moisture when burnishing(and edging). Same principal as when tooling, the moisture has to be right for success.

I know a saddle maker who used bar type saddle soap, but I never had good luck with it.

Watch you speed on the motorized burnishers, the right amount of friction and moisture is the key. Whatever medium you use is more to keep the fuzzys down

Happy trails, GH

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